Virtual visit in two interesting towns in Austria. Presentation made up of photos of my friend Yveta. Steve [...]
Vizualizari: 1937 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)
Descarcari: 365 in total
Membru din 11.09.2014, 0 abonati
Originalitate: |
Prezentari: | 167 prezentari |
Prezentari proprii: | 165 prezentari |
Alte prezentari: | 2 prezentari |
Comentarii: | 16 comentarii |
Virtual visit in two interesting towns in Austria. Presentation made up of photos of my friend Yveta. Steve [...]
Vizualizari: 1937 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)
Descarcari: 365 in total
The presentation of my friend from Czech republik with nice flovers - rhododendron. I hope you like it. Steve [...]
Vizualizari: 2213 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)
Descarcari: 291 in total