Categoria 'Diverse' - iunie 2022 - 3 prezentari

Mexico (this is Baja California) - Lalo, Steve

Baja California is a federal state of Mexico located in the north of the California Peninsula. In the north it borders on the USA (California and Arizona). The surface is full of contrasts. There are mountains, valleys and deserts. The mountain system runs along the entire length of the state. The highest mountains are Sierra Juárez (1,800 m) and San Pedro Mártir (3,100 m). Three quarters of the surface is the Desierto Sonorense desert. Baja California is not rich in water. 88 % of water resou [...]

Slovakia (Sumiac - folk costumes) - Steve

Folk costumes are an integral part of Slovak culture. The origin of the folk costumes was influenced by what the locals were doing and also by their social class. In Slovakia, it is mainly the clothing of the rural population, which was associated with the agricultural way of life. A different costume is typical for each region. It reflected people's feelings, as well as the imagination and skill with which they adorned their clothes. They were distinguished by the costumes of single, married wo [...]


Calota polară se mișcă cu aproximativ 10 metri pe an într-o direcție situată între 37° și 40° V, spre Marea Weddell. Locația polului sud geografic este indicată printr-un mic semn și un țăruș în gheață, repoziționat din nou în fiecare an pentru a compensa deriva glaciara. Panoul poartă datele sosirii la polul a lui Roald Amundsen și Robert Scott, precum și altitudinea de 2.835 m’. [...]