Prezentari PowerPoint din categoria 'Diverse'

Chaussures bizarres

Ati purta asa ceva ? [...]

Danger! Surcharge 19

supraincare [...]

Des maisons alsaciennes ayant survécues aux guerres

Case alsaciene care au supraviețuit războaielor [...]

Un dimanche a la campagne

o duminica la tara [...]

Journée de la Femme

8 Martie [...]

Metamorphosis - Steve

Revúca is a district town with more than 11,000 inhabitants. The town is located in the Central Slovakia in the Slovak Ore Mountains at the level of 318 m over the sea. The earliest written record of the town is from 1427. For more than 500 years was Revúca the center of the iron industry. In the second half of the 20th century developed in the magnesite industry. During the second half of the 19th century Revúca became a center of the Slovak national revival. The first high school teaching i [...]

Rice fields

campuri de orez [...]

Épitaphes insolites

epitafuri neobisnuite [...]

Les maisons à colombages

Casele cu cherestea [...]

Bonbons de France

originea diverselor tipuri de bomboane [...]

Sacs au crochet

genti crosetate [...]