
Membru din 11.09.2014, 0 abonati

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Comentarii: 16 comentarii

Steve - 2 prezentari - Categoria Flori


The presentation of my friend from Czech republik with nice flovers - rhododendron. I hope you like it. Steve [...]

Vizualizari: 2062 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 282 in total

South Africa's Floral Kingdom - Tony.Steve

South Africa's Western Cape is botanically diverse than the richest tropical rainforest in South America. Around 9,000 species of plants and flowers grow here, most of which are native species that cover mountains, valleys and coastal areas. Flowers from Cape Town are known all over the world, especially in spring, for their stunning colors. It is also possible to visit various flower festivals. Steve [...]

Vizualizari: 906 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 120 in total