
Membru din 11.09.2014, 0 abonati

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Steve - 20 prezentari - Categoria Istorie, Muzee

Anglia (Arundel Castle) - versiunea clasic PPS (Steve)

Castelul Arundel este un castel medieval restaurat şi renovat din Comitatul West Sussex. Este Scaunul Ducilor de Norfolk şi unul dintre castelele cu cea mai lungă locuire din Anglia. Acesta a fost construit de contele Roger de Montgomery în anul 1067 - fiind primul care a deţinut titlu de conte englez de Arundel, rang oferit de William Cuceritorul. Din secolul al 11-lea, castelul a servit ca locuinţă şi a fost în proprietatea familiei ducelui de Norfolk peste 400 de ani. Castelul a fost avariat în Războiul Civil din sec. XVll şi între anii 1870 şi 1890 a fost aproape complet reconstruit. Prin arhitectura sa magnifică în stil gotic, este considerat a fi una dintre marile opere din domeniu, din Anglia Victoriană.

Vizualizari: 2842 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 373 in total

Anglia (Castelul Arundel) (Steve)

Castelul Arundel este un castel medieval restaurat şi renovat din Comitatul West Sussex. Este Scaunul Ducilor de Norfolk şi unul dintre castelele cu cea mai lungă locuire din Anglia. Acesta a fost construit de contele Roger de Montgomery în anul 1067 - fiind primul care a deţinut titlu de conte englez de Arundel, rang oferit de William Cuceritorul. Din secolul al 11-lea, castelul a servit ca locuinţă şi a fost în proprietatea familiei ducelui de Norfolk pe [...]

Vizualizari: 3651 in total, 1 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 379 in total

Austria (Vienna Central Cemetery) - Steve

The Vienna Central Cemetery is located on the southern border of Vienna, in the district Simmering. With the area of 2.5 km2 it is the second largest cemetery in Europe. The total length of roads and paths is about 100 km. It was opened in 1874 when the population of Vienna reached one million. More than 3 million people were buried there. For orientation in the cemetery area serves information at the entrance. It is also possible to buy an exact cemetery plan. In addition to walking, you can al [...]

Vizualizari: 1020 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 151 in total

Belize (Mayan Monuments) - Steve

Belize is a country located on the eastern coast of Central America by the Caribbean Sea. Its capital, Belmopan, was founded in 1970. The former colony of British Honduras was renamed Belize in 1973 and gained independence as a republic within the British Commonwealth in 1981. The official language is English. It is the smallest mainland state in America by population. From the 3rd century, Belize was part of the Mayan territory until the destruction of this civilization in the 16th century. The [...]

Vizualizari: 372 in total, 1 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 34 in total

Chile (Easter Island) - Steve

Easter Island (Rapa Nui) is an island in eastern Polynesia, in the South Pacific Ocean. The island was discovered on Easter Sunday in 1722 by the Dutch voyager Jacob Roggeveen. It is under the administration of Chile. The South American coast is 3,600 km away and the nearest inhabited island is 2,075 km away. The area of the island is 163 km2 and has 7,750 inhabitants. It is made up of three volcanoes that have been joined by lava flows. Around the island there are 15 small islands. There are no [...]

Vizualizari: 645 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 77 in total

Czech Republic (Kuks) - Steve

In the picturesque valley of the Elbe River lies the village Kuks. It is particularly remarkable for its partially preserved Baroque spa and hospital from the turn of the 17th and 18th century. It was one of the most spectacular spas in Europe at that time. Only the cascading staircase and the inn have been preserved from the castle and the spa. On the right side of the Elbe there is a hospital together with the Church of the Holy Trinity. The unsurpassed artistic peak presents a series of alleg [...]

Vizualizari: 572 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 29 in total

Czech Republic (mansions and castles 1) - Steve

A number of beautiful castles and mansions have been built in the Czech Republic over the centuries. Some have remained in their original condition to this day. Others have undergone renovations or been rebuilt. And some eroded the ravages of time, leaving only ruins. This series of presentations took place to show part of this historical wealth. Even for most visitors, the selected views will be unusual, because they are aerial views of castles and mansions. Thanks to the photos provided by the [...]

Vizualizari: 711 in total, 2 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 44 in total

Do you know it... (01) (Castle Beckov) (Steve)

Beckov Castle is a reconstructed castle ruin on a steep, 70 m high cliff above the town Beckov. The fire, which broke out at the castle in 1727, destroyed most buildings and since then is abandoned. Thanks for your attention and see you soon. Ina and Steve [...]

Vizualizari: 1735 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 155 in total

Egypt (1) - Steve

Egypt is a North African Arab state. It is an attractive country for tourists by the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. In 2017, he had nearly 95 million inhabitants. The capital is Cairo (agglomeration with 15 million inhabitants), lying in the Nile River Delta. The city's attractions include Egyptian Museum and Muhammad Ali Mosque. The history of Egypt is one of the longest continuous history of a united state. The history of their own state starts sometime around 3000 B.C., when originally indig [...]

Vizualizari: 418 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 81 in total

Egypt (Life in the Shadow of Pyramids) - Steve

Egypt is a North African Arab state that is also the most populated country in the Middle East. In 2017, he had nearly 95 million inhabitants. The capital is Cairo (agglomeration with 15 million inhabitants), lying in the Nile River Delta. Most of the country's territory consists of the Sahara Desert and the Libyan Desert. Due to the extremely dry climate, up to 99 % of the population live on approximately 6 % of the country's territory. Along the Nile River and in its delta. One of the most imp [...]

Vizualizari: 760 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 91 in total

England (Windsor Castle) - Steve

The video version is at: Windsor Castle is a royal residence in the English county of Berkshire. It is the largest inhabited castle in the world and is located approximately 30 kilometers from London. It is strongly associated with the English and subsequently the British royal family and embodies almost 1,000 years of architectural history. Together with Buckingham Palace in London and Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh, it is one of [...]

Vizualizari: 719 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 116 in total

Mexico (The Huastecos) - Lalo,Steve

The Huasteca civilization was born when groups of Mayans migrated to the Pánuco region and settled in the north of the Gulf Coast. The Huasteco people did not disappear with the Spanish Conquest; their descendants continue to live in the region that their ancestors historically inhabited. The Huastecs have inherited beautiful works of art in which the Feathered Serpent and the snail, which is the symbol of the Spirit and of Quetzalcóatl, appear repeatedly. You can find the video version of my [...]

Vizualizari: 834 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 91 in total

Slovacia (Castelul Betliar) – Steve (PPSX)

Betliar is the most visited South-East Slovakian Renaissance castle. It's located 3 km north of the town Rožňava. The Manor House dates from the beginning of the 18th century. [...]

Vizualizari: 2262 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 328 in total

Slovacia (Castelul Krasna Horka)

Krásna Hôrka is a castle from the 14th century. The first recorded mention of the castle was in 1333. On March 2012 the castle was damaged by fire. [...]

Vizualizari: 2022 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 292 in total

Slovakia (Bardejov in the past and now) - Steve

A settlement dating back to the stone age, the first written records of Bardejow are from 1241. In 1376 the city was given the status of royal town, in 1405 that of free royal town. [...]

Vizualizari: 1528 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 128 in total

Slovakia (Bojnice Castle) - Steve ST-03

The first written mention of Bojnice Castle dates to 1113. The park of the castle features numerous rare species of trees. A fire in 1950 caused damage to large parts of the castle. In 1970, the castle was proclaimed a National Cultural Monument. Presentations processed in the form of videos are on YouTube. Address: [...]

Vizualizari: 1357 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 132 in total

Slovakia (Devín Castle) - Steve

This castle is one of the oldest in Slovakia. Devin, a borough of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, is situated at the confluence of Danube and Morava close to the Austrian border. Early finds date to the Neolithic age. Celts and Romans have left their mark on the Slovak country-side. The castle is closely related to these historic times. A reef of 212 meters was an ideal place for the construction of a fortress. Important trade routes, including part of the amber route, could be control [...]

Vizualizari: 802 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 107 in total

Slovakia (look back...) Steve

A small look back, into the history of Slovakia. I hope it will be interesting for you. Have a nice day Steve [...]

Vizualizari: 1420 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 125 in total

Slovakia (Orava Castle) - Steve

The Orava Castle is situated on a 112 meter high rock above the Orava River in Oravský Podzámok. It was built in the 13th century on the site of an old wooden fortification built after the Mongol invasion of Hungary in 1241. Its history since construction includes destruction, reconstruction, annexation, fire and various property changes. The greatest catastrophe hit the castle in 1800 when the fire destroyed all the wooden parts. After the Second World War, the castle became a national monum [...]

Vizualizari: 560 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 111 in total

Slovakia (Spis Castle) Steve

The ruins of Spiš Castle in eastern Slovakia form one of the biggest European castles by area. It was included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 1993. I hope that the presentation with photos of my friend Ina will please you. Have a beautiful day. Steve [...]

Vizualizari: 1143 in total, 0 pe zi (in medie)

Descarcari: 123 in total