35 de fotografii minunte cu menționarea locului
35 de fotografii minunte cu menționarea locului
Chihuahua, the largest state in Mexico, is located in its northwestern part. It is characterized by rugged mountainous terrain and wide valleys. Dominant is Siera Madre Occidental with the biggest attraction of the state - Las Barrancas del Cobre. It is a magnificent system of canyons, larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon. In the mountainous part of the state there are two national parks - Cumbres de Majalca National Park and Basaseachic Falls National Park. There are also the two largest wat [...]
Casa Botín este un restaurant din Madrid care apare în Cartea Recordurilor Guinness drept cel mai vechi din lume. Casa Botín a fost fondată de francezul Jean Botin și soția sa în 1725 ca un han lângă Cava Baja, numit Hostería Botín. Prezinta o fatada din caramida cu vedere clasica din secolul al XVI-lea si ocupa patru etaje ale cladirii. Bucătăria este tradițională castiliană. [...]
Cave Gombasek (10 km from Rožňava) is located in the middle of the Slovak Karst National Park. It was discovered in 1951. Out of a total length of 1,525 m, 285 m are accessible to the public. The cave corridors were created by the erosive activity of the Black stream underground river. Due to its beautiful decoration, it is also called a fairy-tale cave. Its decoration consists of variously formed sinters, colored with a rich range of colors from white through yellow to ocher. The cave is know [...]